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December 27th Insights

How to make immigration more accessible to clients with digital marketing

⏳ Cliff Notes

There are countless immigration scams. Marketing helps your prospects find real help online.

Digital marketing lets your prospects find simple answers to complex problems.

When in doubt, get professional help with your marketing

As an immigration lawyer, you know how complex and ever-changing the landscape of immigration law can be.

You also know that one of the best ways to serve your clients is to keep them informed and up-to-date on the latest developments. But how can you do that effectively and efficiently in a way that gets you more clients?

Make immigration law more accessible, win more clients 😄

Enter digital marketing.

By harnessing the power of the internet, you can reach more people with your message and better help them navigate the complicated world of immigration law — especially with countless immigration scams out there.

Marketing lets your message cut through the noise.

We’ve already talked about why immigration lawyers need to start using digital marketing.

In this blog post, we’ll share some tips on how to use digital marketing to make your practice more accessible to prospective immigrants — and make prospects more receptive to becoming your clients.

1. Define your target audience 📣

Knowing who your target audience is the start of any marketing campaign.

Growing a successful business, blog, or social media profile boils down to knowing your target audience. It’s important for you to get crystal clear about who you are talking to so that your messaging will be relevant, interesting, and resonant.

Define your target audience by asking yourself some questions:

  • Who can benefit the most from what I’m offering?
  • What interests do they have?
  • Where do they hang out online?

Answer these questions and you’ll be able to create a detailed “buyer persona” of exactly the type of person who is interested in your services. The archetypal “buyer personas” for your immigration practice could be the immigrant themselves, their spouse, their employer — you get the idea.

2. Decide which marketing channels to use 🖥️

Choosing the right channel to market your immigration law firm online can make a huge impact in achieving your goals.

That involves more than just clicking on the first five tools you come across on Google; it takes careful consideration, research and analysis.

With digital marketing channels, you’re really spoiled for choice. You could use any combination of:

  • Email
  • Content
  • Video
  • Social media
  • Paid ads

There are many more — don’t feel constrained by what everyone else is or isn’t doing. Instead, consider which are consistent with your brand identity.

Because you already understand your target audience, you also know which channels will reach them effectively. And as you gain experience conducting marketing campaigns, you’ll be able to track which channels are most effective for your firm.

3. Research what the competition is doing 🔍

It’s hard to stand out in the world of content marketing, especially when hundreds of other law firms are saying the same thing.

First of all, you have to research what content has already been published in your niche — and by whom.

Your content needs to either:

  • Provide new insight on an old topic
  • Shed light on a new topic
  • Improve existing information to be easier to understand, more interesting, etc.

Say you’re researching blog posts from your competitors on “mistakes to avoid on your adjustment of status application.” The top three Google results are blog posts about “5 mistakes to avoid on your adjustment of status application.”

This is a perfect opportunity to write about 7, or even 10 mistakes to avoid.

While conducting your research, pay particular attention to the content’s structure, aims, approach and reviews. Make notes on the key features you find successful. For example:

  • Industry facts or figures
  • Catchy headlines
  • Engaging stories
  • News
  • Complex topics described in layman’s terms

Then, use those as a guide for creating your own high-quality content.

4. Find ways to stand out from the competition 🥇

Achieving success in a competitive field can be difficult, but it’s not impossible — even for attorneys. If you want to stand out from the crowd there are several approaches you can take.

Are your competitors creating in-depth blog posts that you think would be difficult to beat? Consider marketing to your prospects by video instead.

There’s always an angle to give your firm the edge.

Are your competitors doing video, too? Then consider engaging with prospects via social media.

Can’t hope to compete with social? Well, what if you could take the top-ranking search spots from your competitors?

Struggling with search? Then how well would a website redesign help you?

Any digital marketing issue you face likely has dozens of solutions. It’s all about standing out from the competition.

5. Create a digital marketing strategy ✏️

Creating a digital marketing strategy for immigration lawyers can be a daunting task, but it’s essential to set yourself up for success.

Content and web design

Taking the time to plan out your content in advance ensures that your messaging is targeted, consistent, and relevant. Your content and website should also meet the needs of your audience and draw them in.

That means understanding who they are, what their interests are, and what message resonates with them best. Once you have a clear understanding of this, you can craft content that speaks directly to them — building relationships one word at a time.

Search strategy

Whether you opt for local, organic or paid search, you must ensure that you’re targeting the right keywords and locations to reach the prospects who are most interested in what you offer.

Show up, stand out, seal the deal. The secret to winning online.

While immigration lawyers can handle clients from all over the globe, remember that Google loves local businesses.

Starting with low-hanging fruit around your geographical area may be the best place to start.

Lead follow-up

Not everyone who visits your website will contact you, and not everyone who contacts you will become a new client — not right away, at least.

It’s well-known that most prospects needs multiple interactions with your business before they decide to retain your services. By figuring out your lead follow-up process early (hopefully with email automation and retargeting ads), you’ll be able to convert a higher number of leads into clients.

6. Implement your plan and track your results 📈

Taking action on any part of your marketing plan is daunting, especially when you’ve never done marketing before.

Tracking your progress keeps you motivated and helps determine how well the plan is working for you — whether you’re trying to boost your search presence or your conversion rate.

10x the traffic for Lorenzo Law Group in 2 months…is your firm next?

Read more

One of the biggest benefits of digital marketing is that you can easily track your results, so be sure to take advantage.

7. Hire professional help 💪

In the ultra-competitive world of immigration law, it’s more important than ever to have an airtight digital marketing strategy that gets results.

At Klicker, we understand the immigration law landscape and what it takes to make your law firm show up, stand out and seal the deal online.

We take the guesswork out of digital marketing so you can focus on running your business. Contact us today and let us win you the results you deserve.

Winning online starts now.

Let's talk about how to grow your business with inbound marketing.

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