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September 5th Foundations

3 huge reasons to get serious about your law firm’s content marketing strategy

⏳ Cliff Notes

Good content needs to drive traffic, convert leads and build your brand

90% of web content is filler—it doesn’t accomplish any of these goals

We give law firms punchy content that actually affects bottom line results

Most law firms have some kind of content marketing strategy. But how many of those firms are actually getting results from those posts?

For whatever reason, the prevailing “content marketing strategy” for many businesses—legal and otherwise—is really no strategy at all.

In our opinion, more than 90% of the content we’ve seen online looks like it was written solely for the purpose of being online. Most content fails where it matters, meaning:

  • Driving traffic
  • Converting leads
  • Building your brand

If you’re going to invest time and money into content development, then shouldn’t we hold your content to the same standards as the rest of your marketing efforts?

“Klicker totally changed my mind about writing. Our site went from having zero pieces of content to having dozens, and the number of leads we bring in because of our posts is unbelievable.”

-Hal Davis

Founder @ Davis & Sanchez

But why should lawyers have content in the first place? Glad you asked…

1. Content drives traffic 🚦

Every time you create a new blog post or web page, you’re creating another golden opportunity to be indexed by Google, and (assuming that piece of content is relevant) another opportunity to grab the attention of potential clients.

Remember, not everyone is searching for the same terms.

Klicker’s content marketing strategy revolves around creating a series of articles that target the most relevant and lucrative search terms, as well as posts to support your various locations and niches.

Each post is a signal to Google that your site is active and relevant, giving you a boost in the search rankings and giving you more visibility with potential customers.

Content marketing also gives you the material you need to get shared and seen on social media, simultaneously giving you exposure to new audiences while reinforcing your business with social proof.

In short, working hand-in-hand with social media and SEO, content marketing is a vital tool to deliver traffic to your site.

2. Content converts traffic into leads 🎣

It’s pointless to put out entirely informational posts and articles and expect to see a huge uptick in leads and new clients.

You should always be searching for ways to make your posts convert, which should be incredibly easy with the right law firm content strategy under your belt.

One of the benefits of content is that the format of a post is less formal than your typical landing page or home page—posts are perfect for stealthily converting curious traffic into leads, which is exactly why Klicker does so with both our clients and our own site.

Winning leads with your posts is a breeze—all you need to do is craft a sales message throughout your post, capped off with a smooth call-to-action at the end. It’s such a simple change, but so many firms overlook the power of a CTA.

Will every one of your blog readers turn into a lead? Absolutely not—but having the tools in place to make your site more about converting than simply informing will put you in a position to win the numbers game.

3. Content establishes your firm’s authority 💪

With a stable of well-written and informative pages and posts, potential clients will have tons of evidence for considering you an expert in your field.

We’ve talked a lot about how your content should be winning leads for your business, but that doesn’t mean you want to pump out a lot of low-quality keyword-stuffed articles like many legacy marketing agencies are doing.

When we write a post for one of our clients, we’re always attempting to give our readers some piece of real value. For your clients, value can be:

  • Information the can’t find anywhere else
  • Information explained more clearly than anyone else
  • Writing that’s more engaging than anybody else’s writing

Authority can’t be measured in the same way as traffic or leads, but will increase over time as you produce more and more quality blog posts and pages.

So, what’s the most common mistake with legal content marketing? 🤔

Your professional website is a place where you get to share first-hand insights and knowledge with the people who matter most to your business.

But content marketing shouldn’t just drive any traffic to your site—content has to drive relevant traffic to your site.

One of the most common mistakes we see on a daily basis are companies who write about issues and topics that just aren’t relevant to potential clients at any stage of the buying process.

As a lawyer, you’re obviously MOST interested in folks who could really, really use an attorney right now. These people are just itching to schedule a consultation.

After that, you want people who are shopping around for lawyers but aren’t quite ready to make a decision—that’s where having great content and lead nurturing tools will pay dividends.

What we don’t care about are people who aren’t interested in hiring you at all.

Content that tries to please everyone pleases no one 💭

Consider a personal injury law firm, for example. When given the choice between creating a new piece on “Recent Car Accidents on Interstate 5” or “What Should I Do After I’ve Been Rear-Ended in Orange County,” Klicker is going to take the second choice every single time.

But a majority of law firms out there are producing a steady stream of posts more like the first choice, and the alarming thing is that many of these firms are doing so under the guidance of a so-called “marketing expert.”

Here’s why that’s bad:

A vast majority of people who are actually searching for information on those recent car accidents have not actually been in an accident themselves.

Other law firm marketing agencies love to churn out pieces like this because they pad their numbers for site traffic. A thousand daily visitors with ZERO interest in your firm is a whole lot worse than ONE daily visitor who’s currently looking for a lawyer.

Look, nobody is going to fault you for wanting to keep your community informed about local events. But most of the time, these posts aren’t going to move the needle for your business.

With limited time and resources available, focusing on prospects pays off faster than casting the widest net possible.

Klicker content focuses on traffic and leads ✏️

Targeted, relevant information for just about every buyer persona who’s relevant to your business that’ll establish you as THE choice in your legal niche and location—that’s what content marketing is all about.

If you’ve been burned by an agency who treats your content as an afterthought (and a costly waste of your marketing budget), join the club—Klicker’s clients are full of horror-turned-success stories who are just now realizing the leads potential of legal content marketing.

When you’re ready to reach more clients and catapult yourself up Google’s ranks like never before, get in touch with us ASAP and let’s build you a solid content base you’ll really be proud of.

Winning online starts now.

Let's talk about how to grow your business with inbound marketing.

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